“We have been relishing the amazing developmental changes that have occurred over the past couple weeks! E. is walking (toddling) much farther distances and very independently now. She is self initiating variations of movements both gross motor and fine motor. She is exploring new sounds and attempts for speaking, even down to her laugh has changed and has a very adorable fluctuation in it now depending upon the level of excitement. Her receptive language has increased and many other areas of cognition that are too many to pin point in an email - but we have been so pleased and continue to apply the 9 essentials with her in our interactions.”

Nathen T. (daughter age 2, developmental delays)

He is definitely following instructions and being more independent and looking for ways that he can participate independently, kind of in every setting. Like in the grocery store, he is participating, and at home if I say, why don't you get started on something, he's been doing that. So that's been really great.”

Shannon R. (son age 9, autism and CP)

“My husband arrived today and he saw a huge progress in L., not only physically with her balance, but in the way she handles herself. He said, she is much more attentive and aware and precise with her actions.” 

Talar Y. (daughter age 4)

”My son had a set of lessons with Birgit Jung Schmitt and we saw some important strides in terms of his willingness/ability to focus for extended periods of time and his increased attempts to gain language skills.”

Carrie C. (son age 8, epilepsy, microcephaly)

”Since the sessions I have noticed that she seems more content- a lot more smiling is happening!  She also seems to have more focus and occasionally turns toward sounds, which she didn’t do before.“

Michelle B. (daughter 3 months old)

“She still gets mad sometimes, but her turnaround time is really quick now. I can explain, I can give her other options, and she will be fine. She also gets out of it herself.

“After one of the session my daughter had floortime. The therapist said she had the best interactions ever. A lot of back and forth between them. She’s using more words, recently even tried saying a sentence. She seems to be more aware of her body and her surroundings.”

Deepika S. (daughter age 8)

“Sunday and Monday, even Tuesday, L. was very content almost as if she had inner peace. Her relatives who haven't seen L. for a while noticed how different she is. They said, she is shining with confidence.”

Talar Y. (daughter age 4, developmental delays)

”I think ABM is GREAT!!! I feel more balanced/centered both physically and mentally. I think my walking is improving and my movement, in general, is smoother. My energy is improving and I am sleeping better. Thank you for your help and guidance.”

Craig A. (stroke)

”There are so many changes in my proprioception: The stability in my walking is amazing to me. I'm certain it's coming from the new awareness of my right foot- particularly the bone that runs down the right side of my foot. It was more present then it has been since my hemorrhage.”

Colette F. (brain hemorrhage)

”The level of pain I experience usually ranges from a 5 to 7 depending on how much physical activity I do. After class it goes down to a 0.5!”

Connie A. (spinal stenosis)

"Learning through movement under your dedicated guidance has been a life changing experience. I've experienced chronic back pain for several decades, which included a continuous clenching effect of the neck and shoulders. My right shoulder had become painful and useless enough to require learning to use the left arm only. Shoulder surgery and pain pills offered short term relief. It wasn't until I attended NeuroMovement classes that I found a means to long lasting comfort.”

Cynthia L. (participant in group classes)